Multi-cloud Cost Management – The FinOps Imperative

Cloud costs are a trending problem. The increasing cloud spending is turning into a major financial concern for modern enterprises.

In recent years, there has been a significant surge in the adoption of cloud computing by enterprises. This shift is driven by the desire to foster innovation, maintain competitiveness, and achieve cost efficiencies. The COVID-19 pandemic, which compelled organizations to embrace remote work, has further fueled this trend. Alongside the growing adoption of cloud computing, there is a notable rise in the popularity of multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployments.

According to a survey conducted by Gartner, 81% of respondents reported using two or more cloud providers. Additionally, a Microsoft survey indicated that 86% of participants expressed intentions to increase their investments in either multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud environments.

Benefits of Multi-Cloud

Multi-cloud deployment entails utilizing multiple cloud vendors and potentially an organization’s private cloud, for their computing operations. The diverse fee structures and operating models of these distinct cloud resources pose significant difficulties in accurately assessing costs and implementing effective cloud cost management strategies.

Benefits that are driving many organizations to move from single, public, or private cloud to multi-cloud environments.

Combining the strengths of each provider: Adopting a multi-cloud approach allows organizations to leverage the strengths and unique offerings of multiple cloud providers. It provides the flexibility to choose the most suitable services from different vendors based on specific requirements, avoiding vendor lock-in, and enabling greater freedom of choice.

Reducing outage risk: Multi-cloud environments provide built-in redundancy and resilience. Organizations can mitigate the risk of service disruptions and downtime by spreading workloads across multiple cloud platforms.

Greater Negotiation Power: By comparing pricing models and services offered by different providers, organizations can optimize costs and potentially achieve better deals through vendor competition.

Optimal Performance and Scalability: Utilizing multiple cloud platforms, organizations can optimize performance by selecting the most suitable provider for each workload or application. They can also scale resources as per their requirements, leveraging the elasticity and scalability features of different cloud providers.

Geographic Distribution and Compliance: Multi-cloud environments enable organizations to distribute their data and applications across different geographic regions, complying with data sovereignty regulations and improving performance for users in various locations. This distribution of resources can also support disaster recovery strategies and data backup across multiple cloud providers.

Complexities of multi-cloud environments:

Although opting for a multi-cloud environment presents clear advantages compared to a single-cloud setup, it is crucial to acknowledge the complexities involved when considering a multi-cloud approach for your business.

Security: In a multi-cloud environment, businesses can face difficulties when it comes to securing and monitoring the various systems. This is primarily because there is no single control point that provides comprehensive oversight and monitoring of security issues across all cloud platforms.

Integrations: To enable the seamless transformation and delivery of enterprise data across multiple cloud platforms, it is crucial to establish a robust architecture within the multi-cloud environment. This architecture should facilitate the efficient flow of applications and data across various cloud silos.

Challenges in optimizing Cost: The inherent complexity of a multi-cloud environment makes it challenging to effectively monitor costs, identify wasteful spending, and implement optimization strategies. However, organizations can rely on automated management solutions to simplify the complexities associated with multi-cloud visibility and cloud cost monitoring.

To surmount these challenges, organizations should adopt resilient cost management practices and utilize tools for cloud cost optimization. Taking a proactive approach to consistently monitor, analyze, and optimize cloud expenditures is vital in attaining effective cost optimization within the cloud environment.

Best Practices for Multi-Cloud Cost Management

Centralized Cost Management: Implement a centralized cost management tool or service that consolidates cost and usage data from different cloud providers. This provides a unified view of costs, enables cost allocation, and facilitates analysis and optimization.

Cost Visibility and Monitoring: Leverage cost monitoring and analysis tools to gain visibility into resource utilization and spending across multiple clouds. Monitor and track costs regularly, set up alerts for cost anomalies, and establish cost governance processes to ensure ongoing cost optimization.

Reserved Instances and Savings Plans: Take advantage of reserved instances or savings plans offered by cloud providers. Analyze workload patterns, commitments, and pricing options to identify opportunities for cost savings and better utilization of resources.

Rightsizing and Resource Optimization: Continuously monitor resource usage across all clouds and right size instances, storage, and other resources based on workload demands. Implement automation and auto-scaling mechanisms to adjust resources dynamically, ensuring optimal utilization and cost efficiency.

Cloud Cost Governance: Establish clear policies, guidelines, and cost accountability frameworks within the organization. This includes defining cost allocation methodologies, implementing charge-back or show-back mechanisms, and promoting cost awareness and optimization across teams.

Continuous Optimization: Regularly evaluate and optimize the multi-cloud environment by conducting cost reviews, leveraging cost analysis tools, and staying updated on new cost management features and offerings from cloud providers.

A FinOps platform is a robust gateway to achieve end-to-end visibility as clients can get control over their cloud resources to make informed decisions while optimizing their operations. Customers will see a vast difference in cost management after implementing the FinOps framework.

Key Takeaway:

By implementing a cost optimization solution that employs the appropriate approach and tools, organizations can significantly reduce their cloud expenditure, by around 30% to 40% typically. Furthermore, through the implementation of standardized governance practices and cost alerts or policies, organizations can enhance their cloud experience for applications while maintaining optimized costs.


Ganesh Dattu Pote

Ganesh Dattu Pote

Associate Director - Cloud & Infra Practice


#Multi Cloud Management
#Cloud Computing
#Hybrid Cloud
#Cloud Expenditure

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